Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Picking the Actors to Star in the Making of My Novels!

So, I was thinking while I was cleaning, and I think I've finally figured out who Michael in my novel Repeated Life resembles in my head. If Repeated Life were a movie, Michael would be played by Kevin Durand. He's 6'6" of hunking man! He's got the right masculinity mixed with boyish charm.

I know I'm not the only one who fantasizes about who would play their characters in movies. Whether my books ever become movies or not, it's nice to have a mental picture of my imaginary friends.


  1. I've done the same; my leads would be played by Emily Blunt for Meredith Devon, and either Ewan McGregor, Charlie Cox, or Ben Barnes as Stryker.

  2. I make vision boards for my novels and sometimes I put up photos of the actors I think will play my characters. Really helps get the imagination going!

  3. I picked Robert Pattinson (ok, not the Edward character, but Robert the actor)as Michael in my book...couldn't decide on a female though, but, she would have to be willing to wear brilliant blue contacts...or have eyes like Chris Pine...

  4. What about the daughter from Gilmore Girls? SHe has insanely blue eyes!

  5. Yeah, that could work...LOL...now, if only I could get an agent to look at my ms...
