Friday, November 5, 2010

My Muse Has Reappeared!

I spent quite a few hours writing yesterday, and loved every second of it. Has anyone else noticed when you take a break from the stories, how much you realize you missed your characters?

Of course, now I have about ten new story ideas floating around in my head. Creativity and a strong, active imagination is both a blessing and a curse. I'd love to watch TV or a movie without rewriting the damn thing in my head!

On to the next random thought - the kids are home from school today, and in the few short minutes since I started writing this, I've heard "Hey, mom," six times. Yep...six. I love my kids, I love when they're home, but damn it's hard to write when they're here. The cool part, though, is they love to get me cups of coffee, and know how I like it. It's great to have older kids, sometimes!

I got to sleep in today! Woohoo! Except the ring I have programmed for my mom is dogs barking. I woke up yelling at the dogs to shut up before I realized my phone was ringing. Maybe it's time to change that ringer.

Whew, I'm full of random thoughts today! Don't worry, I'll have a real topic next time...just imagine what it's like inside my head!

1 comment:

  1. Our characters quickly demand to be freed from the confines of our brains if left to their own devices for too long, after all...
