Friday, December 30, 2011

Global Warming? End of the World? Or......

Just really nice weather? I gotta say, I'll take it any way I can get it. This December has been the warmest in my memory, and I didn't have to trudge through snow and slush to clean out my chicken coup, or help my kids down the hill to their bus stop. Yet, oddly enough, I still hear people saying it's because the world will end in the year that such a bad thing?

Here's how I see it: those of us who believe in a higher power will be in whatever Heaven or Nirvana we were promised (except those of you who killed innocents in order to jump to the front of the line), and those who don't will go *poof* into non-existence. No more bills. No more stress. No more illness. No more pain, or evil, hate or sadness. It's that really such a bad thing?

Then, of course, there are those who believe it's the beginning of the Zombie Apocalypse. Fortunately for me, I've watched tons of movies about zombies, and read twice as many books. I can survive any type of supernatural attack! Oooh, but what about you? Will you be running for the hills, searching for Emma Stone, Woody Harrelson, and Jessie Eisenberg? Or will you become a Shane from Walking Dead and let your morals disappear, killing anyone to save your own ass...even if you don't have a family while the other guy does?

As for me and my family, we'll be hunkered down here, with all our critters, burning wood in the fireplace for heat, eating our chickens and their eggs to survive. Okay, so that sounds a little lacking in variety, but it's better than eating our dogs...


  1. My trouble is the version I come closest to believing is the 'passing the black hole that has gravity strong enough to change our poles' thing... and THAT would be very very bad... Mass extinction of species suddenly in the wrong climate, food shortages because things are suddenly all planted in the wrong place, and HUGE natural disasters (earthquakes and tsunamis) to go with the shift. This is actually the event the Mayans predicted... and it wiped out the dinosaurs last time, why not MANY of the people this time... but the wipe out would be slow... Mad Max slow...

    Now another part of me thinks this is just fear mongering. The MATH suggests that distance really matters, and the distance we will pass from this thing is... like to the sun--so to really do this, the mass would have to be HUGE... Believers though, think it is already responsible for all the earthquake stuff going on...

    I won't lie... I plan to start stockpiling some of those transportable foodstuffs... beans, rice... stuff we will eventually use anyway, but would keep us fed until things settle down should it all go very badly.

  2. Ah, I'll admit...I'll probably end up stockpiling. But like you, we'll eat it either way. Thanks for commenting! I love to read other readers' opinions!
