Monday, September 20, 2010

Good Ole Monday Morning....

After a fantastic weekend spent with family, and celebrating my sweet nephew's first birthday, it's now back to the grind. Instead of sitting at my laptop, or even walking around the neighborhood, I find myself at the computer, playing on the internet.
It's not that I don't want to write, really it isn't, I'm just tired of the same thing, in the same location, every single day. Laundry is backed up, dust is beginning to party on shelves, and my bed needs to be made....don't feel like doing any of it.
As writers, we tend to spend so much time alone, yet it's the life we signed up for. I've heard many say they go to the park, or Starbuck's to write, but I feel guilty even thinking about it. Being that I stay home all day, not having an outside job, I feel obligated to stay here and make sure the house is in some semblance of controlled chaos. I long for the day when I can actually hire a housekeeper to handle the tedious, day to day things, so I can just focus on the characters begging to get out of my head!
On a good note, my short story titled The Headline will be published in next month's issue of the e-zine The Momo Reader. Keep your eyes open, and I'll be sure to post the link when it's out.
Enjoy the beautiful weather, ya'll, and don't forget to check out the revised first chapter of The Reluctant King Reece over at


  1. Hi! I'm a new follower, having just found your blog thanks to The Bookshelf Muse!!!

    I have to say that I love writing, though I don't feel like it all day every day, I write when I feel it's right, and when I'm down, stressed or angry. Stories to be told just hanging in my thoughts, I love to get them down on paper.

    I have a full-time job but I look forward to the day that I'm able to stay at home, and battle my inner thoughts... and laundry!

  2. Congrats on the short story being published.
    You and the family looking good on facebook ...

    I am editing this month. It makes me nuts to edit and not have "new" material in my head.

    You keep those chapters coming, girl and good writing.

  3. Jen, I wrote something brilliant as a response to your comment, and the computer hamsters ate it. Thank you for your post, and welcome to my humble blog.
