Monday, January 6, 2014

Interview with Genevieve Scholl

Joining us today is Genevieve Scholl. Thanks for the taking the time to answer some questions for those of us still struggling to be more disciplined with our writing.

When/why did you start writing? Did someone or something influence your decision?

   GS - I started writing when I was a Junior in High School, because I was being bullied. It was a way for me to escape the world and the people that were making my life hell. I would write all of my feelings and eventually the feelings would turn into stories of revenge and more. Now, I just love to write. I’m not really sure where my inspiration comes from, but I’m glad for it every day, because if I didn’t write I think I would go insane.

What do you write?

  GS -  I write mostly Romance, but I am venturing out in other genres as well. I am mostly known for my Naughty North Pole Novels.

Was writing something you always dreamed of, or did a story just come to you one day? If you weren’t writing, what would you be doing?

  GS - Writing just sort of snuck up on me. I’d be a full time photographer if I could.

On to the fun questions – Can you describe a typical writing day for you?

  GS - I don’t think I have a typical writing day. I write when the mood strikes, I get inspiration, etc. I usually have to have my coffee and my rings on (why I have no clue), but everything else changes depending on the day.

How many hours a day do you write? How many days a week?

  GS - It varies. Ideally, I’d like to write every day, but it never happens that way; even if I have the time.

Are you a plotter or pantser?

  GS - I start out as a plotter, but things usually turn out way different than expected.

How do you handle distractions during your writing time?

  GS - Just take it one moment at a time. I usually always have paper of some kind on me, and if I don’t  I find the nearest thing that can be written on; which happens to usually be my hand or a wrapper lol

Self-publishing – What made you decide to self-publish?

  GS - I can’t really remember to be honest. I hadn’t even heard of self-publishing before I published Love Claus. It’s strange that I don’t remember, but I don’t regret it one single day.

Have you ever thought about being a hybrid author, the kind of author who traditionally publishes and self-publishes?

  GS - No. The community alone is enough to keep me as an Indie.

How long did it take before you were making a “real” income from your writing?

  GS - I haven’t really. I mean, I’ve done okay on some of the books, but I’ve never been able to live on it. I have a feeling I never will be able to, and that’s ok, because I have enough of everything else to occupy me and bring in an income. Besides, I'm not in for the money.

Finally, do you have any advice for those who want to turn their passion into a true career?

  GS - Write!!!!!!!! Don’t second guess, don’t worry, don’t edit… Just write. Like my favorite image on Facebook says: “Write drunk, edit sober.”

Thank you so much for taking time out of your day!

You can find Genevieve on Facebook. She's always full of great tips, and a lot of fun!
You can find her books, like the infamous Naughty North Pole Novels, on Amazon.


Note: Portions of the proceeds from ALL of Genevieve's books and short stories are donated to charities. Currently, those charities include The Michael J. Fox Foundation, Toys for Tots, and Susan G. Komen for the Cure of Breast Cancer. More will be added soon.


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