Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Poor neglected blog!

Yeah, I know, I neglect this poor blog entirely too much. To my defense, though, I've been crazy writing three different books, one being book 3 in the Hunters series. Not to mention my kids are home for summer vacation and my house turns into a circus this time of year!

So, the reason I'm here today - The Darkest War, the second book in Tenna's story, will be released....September 10, 2014!!! Rebel Ink Press will be releasing this one as well.
WOOOOHOOOOOO! I haven't received the cover yet, but I promise to do a reveal when it's in my grubby little hands!

In other news, I'm currently working on a paranormal romance, which may or may not turn into a short series, as well as a Supernatural Thriller. I haven't decided if that will be a stand alone or not. I don't tend to start writing with a series in mind. Sometimes there's just too much story to tell in just one book.

So, anyway, not a whole lot of super cool news on this front. I'll post any news I have on The Darkest War when I know anything.

See y'all on the flip side!

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